• Grubość: 28mm.
  • Górna część skóry: 1.0mm Aluminum
  • Niższa skóra:  1.5mm Cloth Pattern FRP
  • Materiał rdzenia: PVC foam.
  • Foam Density: 60kg/m³
  • Obszar Waga: 6.2kg/m².

Aluminum facing PVC foam sandwich panel is a lightweight material for dry cargo truck bodies. The skin is made of aluminum and the core material is PVC foam. It can effectively isolate moisture and chemical erosion and extend the service life of dry truck body. The thickness of 28 mm ensures sufficient strength to meet the transportation needs of all types of goods. Aluminum decorative PVC foam panels also have good processing properties and can be easily cut and assembled, providing convenience for the manufacturing of dry trucks.