• Grubość2,2 mm
  • Powierzchnia: Wzór kamienia
  • Materiał: FRP(Tworzywo sztuczne wzmocnione włóknem szklanym)
  • Kolor: Biały, błyszczący

Stone pattern FRP white glossy panel is made of fiberglass and unsaturated thermosetting resin, with a fiberglass content of up to 70%. Once hardened, thermoset resins do not soften or melt again, providing excellent stability and durability in high-temperature environments. We also covered the surface with a layer of white gelcoat to make the panel smoother and more wear-resistant.
FRP sheet is lightweight, high-strength, waterproof, corrosion-resistant, insulating, wear-resistant and weather-resistant. This type of panel can be used to make wall panels for RVs and trucks. It has a smooth stone surface and is exquisite and aesthetic.