• Grubość: 18 mm
  • Materiał skóry: FRP
  • Grubość skóry: 1,5 mm
  • Kolor powierzchni: Biały mat
  • Materiał rdzenia: PP Plaster miodu
  • Gęstość plastra miodu: 80 kg/m³
  • Zastosowania: Płyta meblowa

What is White Matte Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Honeycomb Panel?

18mm white matte glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) honeycomb panel is a new type of panel, consisting of two layers of fiberglass panels with a honeycomb core layer sandwiched in between. The surface of the panel is covered with white frosted fiberglass facing, which has a clean and elegant appearance and a soft texture.

Application advantages

Beautiful: The white matte fiberglass finish makes the panel look clean and elegant, suitable for various home decoration styles, and enhances the overall beauty of furniture cabinets.
Durable and stable: The thickness of 18mm ensures the stability and strength of the panel, is moisture-resistant, non-deforming, and has a long service life.
Environmentally friendly and healthy: fiberglass materials are recyclable and meet environmental protection requirements, ensuring safe and reliable use.
Moisture-proof: Fiberglass material has good moisture-proof properties, effectively protecting furniture cabinets from moisture damage.
Easy to clean and maintain: Smooth and flat surface, easy to clean and maintain