• Grubość: 1,2 mm
  • Obróbka powierzchni: Folia PET
  • Kolor: Biały, błyszczący
  • Typ włókna szklanego: Ciągłe włókno szklane(Arkusz CFRT)
  • Rodzaj żywicy: PP

Continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRT) is a new type of thermoplastic composite material with high strength, high toughness and recyclability. It is made of double or multi-layer thermoplastic UD tapes thermally laminated at 0°or 90°.
We covered its surface with a layer of high-gloss PET film as the protective film. It not only plays a decorative role, but is also waterproof and moisture-proof. The entire panel is both scratch-resistant and corrosion-resistant.
White glossy PET film CFRT sheet can be compounded with various core materials such as foam, PP honeycomb, and sklejka. It is ideal for siding applications on RVs and truck bodies.