Parametry produktu

  • Całkowita grubość: 18.0mm. (Customized: 5.0~120mm).
  • Długość: ≤12m.
  • Szerokość: ≤3.2m.
  • Górna warstwa powierzchniowa: 2mm granite PVC leather.
  • Warstwa podstawowa: 16mm 100kg/m³ PET foam.

PVC leather is famous for its wear resistance and waterproof performance, and its surface can be coated with various texture patterns to achieve decorative effects. PVC leather faced PET foam core panels can replace stone and wood as flooring for RVs, mobile homes, showrooms and interior rooms of buildings.

Its advantages are:

  • Lightweight.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Waterproof.
  • Wear-resistant.
  • Affordable.
  • Easy to install.