• Grubość: 10 mm. (Dostosowane)
  • Górna część skóry: Arkusz FR4 1,0 mm. (Dostosowane)
  • Materiał rdzenia80 kg/m³ polipropylen o strukturze plastra miodu.
  • Niższa skóra: Arkusz FR4 1,0 mm. (Dostosowane)
  • Obszar Waga2,9 kg/m².

The pickleball racket made of FR4 skin PP honeycomb core panel is very durable and lightweight. We control the hole size of the honeycomb core to the range that is most suitable for pickleball. The high hardness of FR-4 sheet is combined with the high toughness PP honeycomb core to achieve the best impact resistance and slap resistance.

Why choose FR4 as skin material?

FR-4 is composed of fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin. It has the following characteristics:

  • Stable performance: FR4 plates have extremely high stability and working life, and can work stably for a long time in high temperature and high pressure environments.
  • Mechanical strength: FR4 sheet can resist mechanical stress such as impact, vibration and pressure, and has excellent acid and alkali resistance and corrosion resistance.

Advantages of FR4 honeycomb panels

  • Lightweight & high strength.
  • The surface is flat and smooth.
  • Waterproof and moisture-proof.
  • Low noise.
  • Excellent elasticity.
  • Environmentally friendly and odorless.
  • Friendly ink, excellent printing effect.