• Grubość: 60.0mm. (Customized:10~150mm)
  • Górna część skóry: 2.2mm Aluminum + 5mm plywwod
  • Materiał rdzenia: 10mm PET + 40mm XPS
  • Niższa skóra: 5mm Plywood
  • Obszar Waga: 7.9kg/m².

Aluminum: Aluminum material is used as the surface of the foam sandwich panel to provide strength and durability. It has the characteristics of light weight and corrosion resistance.
Plywood: Plywood is a sheet made of multi-layer thin wood through the gluing process, with good strength and stability. Plywood finishes provide a beautiful appearance and increase the overall robustness of the sandwich board.
Foam core: XPS/PET foam is a lightweight, heat and sound insulating material. The foam core can reduce the weight and improve the insulation performance in the sandwich panel.