• Grubość: 18mm
  • Powierzchnia: Folia PVC o strukturze drewna
  • Górna część skóryCFRT arkusz.
  • Grubość skóry: 0,7 mm
  • Materiał rdzenia: Polipropylen o strukturze plastra miodu.
  • Gęstość rdzenia: 120 kg/m³
  • Niższa skóra: Włóknina z powłoką CFRT
  • Waga obszaru: 4,3 kg/㎡
  • Zastosowania: RV, ciężarówki, budynki, łodzie, sprzęt sportowy i wiele innych.

Wood grain skin PP thermoplastic honeycomb panels are not only light in weight but also high in strength. It can withstand extremely high pressure without deformation. While having a decorative effect, its performance is also superior.
This kind of panel can be used to make the floors of RVs and trucks, which are more wear-resistant and durable. In addition, it also eliminates the problem that solid wood floors are prone to mold and rot.
It can also be used in sporting goods such as pickleball rackets. Its superior surface flatness and stiffness make it easier for you to control the ball and perform better.