• Grubość: 18mm
  • Materiał skóry: Stal nierdzewna
  • Kolor: Powłoka powierzchniowa Szampańskie złoto
  • Grubość skóry: 0.78mm
  • Grubość rdzenia: 16,4 mm
  • Materiał rdzenia: Aluminiowy rdzeń o strukturze plastra miodu

18mm thick stainless steel facing aluminum honeycomb core sandwich panel is a composite material with a stainless steel facing outer layer and an aluminum honeycomb core in the middle layer.


  • High strength: The aluminum honeycomb core layer has excellent strength and stiffness, which can enhance the load-bearing capacity of the overall structure.
  • Lightweight: The lightweight design of the aluminum honeycomb core makes it easy to handle and install.
    Corrosion resistance: Stainless steel decorative panels have good corrosion resistance and are suitable for use in various harsh environments.
  • Fire resistance: Stainless steel and aluminum materials improve the fire resistance of buildings.
    Decoration: Stainless steel decorative panels provide a high-end appearance and can meet the building’s exterior decoration needs.

Application areas:

  • Building exterior wall decoration: Due to its beautiful appearance, 18 mm thick stainless steel facing aluminum honeycomb core sandwich panel is often used for exterior wall decoration of high-end buildings.
  • Interior decoration: walls, ceilings, etc., add a sense of modernity and luxury to the interior space.
  • Billboards and Signs: Its weather resistance and decorative properties make it an ideal material for billboards and signs.
  • Vehicle manufacturing: interior decoration of ships, trains and other means of transportation