• Grubość: 18 mm
  • Skin thickness: 1,5 mm
  • Materiał powierzchni: Arkusz FRP
  • Materiał rdzenia: Sklejka
  • Kolor: RAL 9010

FRP skin plywood is a kind of material which combines glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) and plywood. Its unique structure gives it excellent performance characteristics, including light weight, high strength, corrosion resistance and wear resistance.


    1. Building exterior and interior walls: FRP skin plywood not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has excellent waterproof performance, so it becomes an ideal choice for exterior wall decoration. At the same time, its durability and weather resistance also make it suitable for indoor wall decoration.
    2. Transportation: this kind of plywood is often used in shipbuilding and automobile manufacturing because it is lightweight and has excellent strength and durability.
    3. Outdoor facilities and decoration: such as park benches, open-air pavilions, etc., can be maintained in good condition for a long time in the outdoor environment, not easy to be eroded by the natural environment.
    4. Special industrial uses: in the chemical industry, such as storage tanks and pipeline coverage and other fields, FRP skin plywood corrosion resistance is very outstanding, can effectively protect equipment.

18mm thick FRP skin plywood also has the advantages of easy processing and easy installation, which can be cut and customized according to the needs, thus reducing the workload and time cost of the construction site.